1/27:  Went on a cruise with Leah and Jim.
                                             Jim and Leah at Key West
                     Rosemary and Leah
  After the cruise, we stopped at Tony and Anita Defrancesco's in Hillsboro Beach.  Was fun visiting with them.
From left to right:  Anita, Leah, Rosemary, Tony, and Bob.

12/28: Today, we're on our way to visit John and Sue Roger with Leah and Jim.  Picture to follow  (John and Sue live in Fort Pierce, Florida).
1/14:  On our trip south, we stopped and visited Dot Pritchet.  Had a good visit, and great to see Dot again.
        Dot, some clown, and Dot's huge Poinsettia plant.  I've never seen one so big.
             From left to right:  Leah, Sue, John, Rosemary, Bob  (Photographer - Jim).
                               Had a great visit.  Good to see John and Sue again.