1/27: Went on a cruise with Leah and Jim.
After the cruise, we stopped at Tony and Anita Defrancesco's in Hillsboro Beach. Was fun visiting with them.
From left to right: Anita, Leah, Rosemary, Tony, and Bob.
12/28: Today, we're on our way to visit John and Sue Roger with Leah and Jim. Picture to follow (John and Sue live in Fort Pierce, Florida).
1/14: On our trip south, we stopped and visited Dot Pritchet. Had a good visit, and great to see Dot again.
Dot, some clown, and Dot's huge Poinsettia plant. I've never seen one so big.
From left to right: Leah, Sue, John, Rosemary, Bob (Photographer - Jim).
Had a great visit. Good to see John and Sue again.