6/5: It's been a while since I've added anything to the website. My apologies. We've decided to have the annual summer reunion here on Saturday, July 17th, with a rain date
of Sunday, the 18th. We're hoping to see as many of you as possible. We need a few diversions to get our minds off the catastrophe taking place in the Gulf of Mexico.
6/13: I read a rather lengthy notice in the Putnam County Courier concerning the 50th class reunion for the class of 1960 of Carmel High School. It was very well written by Nick Dagnone, who many of you may remember from Carmel football. He did a very good job of explaining the reasons for such reunions. The article appeared in the June 3rd edition, and the reunion is on June 26th. They were still trying to find members of their class. This brought to mind that we still had a number of people to try to find from our 45th, and I was wondering if anybody has found any of "the missing." As the 50th reunion seems to be the "main event" for high school reunions, I thought we should put forth the maximum effort to try and contact everyone possible. Since we have an up-to-date directory on this website (of course you all have been editing the directory you received at the 45th), I hope all of us will begin to think about contacting high school friends with next year in mind. I'll kick off the road to our 50th on August 1st, which will give us all a full year to plan the best that we can.
6/28: We were sorry to get the news that Valerie (Hart) Esterly's mother passed away this past week. Our thoughts are for Valerie, and her family.
7/1: Rose and I were in Millbrook this past Tuesday to attend a wake for Janet Yager's mother, Arlene. Many of you probably remember Janet and Billy Yager, class of '59. While I left before Rose, she met Jim Yager who was a member of our class from K - our junior year. We've been in contact via e-mail since then. Jim wrote as follows:
"When I left Mahopac in the summer of 1960 I moved to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, and attended Stranahan High School for my senior year. I served in the Air Force 1961-65,
was a Met Life insurance agent until I went to work for the State of New York in 1969. I
held a number of jobs during those years. Narcotic addiction Control Commission NCO/ Capital Police Department Sgt./OGS Director of Security/Credit card control mgr./Federal property Assistance Program. I retired from the State of New York in 2003."
Jim and his wife Marge, are planning to attend the mini reunion on the 17th. Some of us will meet them then. The rest of you can get caught up on the 50th. I did add Jim's info on the website directory. He e-mailed the following pic:

7/18: We had a good time yesterday at the "49th reunion." The temperature was high, but a fairly consistent breeze made it all tolerable. At least we didn't get the thunderstorms that were predicted earlier this past week. Dan Schaiewitz was there, and took the official reunion picture once again.
1st.row: Chris (Lacina) Dugas, Pat (Comer) Mesa 2nd row (kneeling): Dave Dugas, Leah (Knapp) McIntyre
3rd row: Tony DeFrancesco, Anita (John) DeFrancesco, Diane (Opperman) Woermann, Nilda Schaiewitz,
Mario Mesa, Rosemary (Hadden) Decatur Back row: Jim Yager, Margy Yager, Alan Woermann, Bob
Decatur, Dan Schaiewitz, Jim McIntyre
More pics may follow. I know that Dan took quite a few. Depends on whether he wants to share them or not.
Jim demonstrated his prowess with his fly rod, as he landed this huge 8"
Florida Strain Largemouth Bass.
The girls got a kick out of Ace Schaiewitz skinny dipping in the pond. Nilda was clearly not pleased with his antics.
Rose had to work hard to have those leaves block out Tony's "mug."
Technology - challenged, Mario wants to know what that strange object is that Jim is holding. Alan is bragging that he has more keys on his key ring than anybody else at the picnic.
Jim did better a little later that evening.
Not to be out done by her husband, Leah takes first for the biggest "smore."
Wait a second. Where's Ace?
I might have known - he was arrested again
Jim Yager also sent his pics:
Is he the master of ceremonies, or the master of disaster?
Tony has heard enough, and starts the heckling.
Here's an all too familiar sight!
Looks like he's stalking his prey.