Sept.15: Well, I guess by now, many of you are realizing that if you are a member of the class of
'61, that you are susceptible to Ace Schaiewitz's attacks using "photo shop." I wish I had some control, or even influence over him, but I don't. Those of you without a sense of humor, well, what can I say? Well, maybe, time to get one. Some affected by the "hit man" appear below: (Who's next?)
The aging, eccentric golfer
The unorthodox ornithologist.
And, how could I forget Valcapone Esterly:
Will anybody ever look at the "little black dress" the same again?
Uh, Oh. Looks like Ace has struck again!
Looks like Mary Minnie Mouse in her NYU classroom.
Hey, Ace, what did Anita and Tony ever do to you?
Anthony does have a shocked look on his face. Just what does Anita have in her pocketbook?
Now wait just one minute. Didn't Dan just get married about 2 yrs. ago, or is this a recent change in Dan's lifestyle? I guess he really is a nun for fun - a flying one at that!
One of the 2 guys pictured below actually shot a Pronghorn Antelope. Which one do you think it was?
A. Charles "Duke" Van Riper or -
B Daniel "Ace" Schaiewitz
If you selected B, you probably should check into Somers Manor Nursing Home. You're losing it!
So this is what Joe and Phyllis do when they head up to their place in the Adirondacks. I never thought of Phyllis as a "biker chick."
This is quite the aggressive advertising campaign, Diana. I thought you were strictly on eBay.