This page will be for general information such as directory changes, news received from classmates, upcoming "get-togethers," etc.
9/13: Received word that Paul Simone's father passed away this past Sunday. Condolences to Paul and the family.
9/14: As discussed with a number of people over the reunion weekend concerning an informal get-together on an annual basis, Rose and I would like to have a picnic here on Saturday, August 11th, 2007 (rain date - Sunday, August 12th). Open to all who can make it.
Will get back later with details. Mark it on your calendar.
Also, please note change in directory for Richard Curry's e-mail address. It is now
9/24: Received a videotape from Dan Baumgartner the other day. Hoping we can figure out this confounded new piece of equipment we have that enables putting videotape into a DVD. If we figure it out, would like to make copies for those of you who are interested. I'll get back to you on this.
Also, change in e-mail address for Judy (Branigan) Campbell. - see website directory.
9/26: Evidently, Dot (Stolzenberger) Pritchet's phone number was not included in the directory - Sorry Dot. At any rate, I placed the correct no. in the website directory (page 2).
Oops! Judy Campbell has decided to stay with the old e-mail address (
9/27: Congratulations are in order for Charles Van Riper on being the recipient of the
George B. Fell Award. The award was presented by the Natural Areas Association's 33rd
annual conference in Flagstaff, AZ. George B. Fell founded the Nature Conservancy, and Ecological Society of America. The Fell Award is given to an individual who has demonstrated the highest level of leadership in natural areas, stewardship, and science.
Way to go Charles! Those of us who live in areas where West Nile Virus is a concern, and the nationwide concern about the introduction of Avian Influenza, appreciate the work you've been involved with.
9/28: Well, Rose was successful in converting her camcorder tape into a DVD. We don't really know how it happened, but it was a success, and we can now make copies. If anyone is interested, if you send a specific DVD - "DVD+R 4x - made by Imation," we'd be glad to make a copy, and send it to you. Keep in mind, that it's not professionally done, but does include the "school tour," various parts of Saturday night, and brunch on Sunday.
There are other DVD's listed in our guide, but I can't guarantee success. They include:
DVD+R: 2.4x; 4x;5x; and 16x - RCA, Ricoh, Philips, Verbatim, Sony, Maxell, TDK - or -
DVD+RW: 2.4x, and 4x
If you ask me about any of these, I don't have a clue. Can only speak for the one that we had luck with.
Will now work on Dan Baumgartner's tape to see if we can "capture that as well." Dan's tape is of the Saturday night event, and I believe, includes everyone who was in attendance.

10/4: Very Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Veronica (Sternberg) Kuck's husband Tom, passed away this week. Our hearts and prayers go out to Veronica, and the family.
Oct. 15: "2nd Reunion" - Suzanna (Herzog) Sassoun returns to Mahopac after 45 years. Rose and I picked Suzanna up at the train station, and had time to give her a tour around Mahopac before going to meet up with other classmates at Four Brothers.
Left to Right: Front row: Anita, Nilda, Diana, Suzanna, Phyllis, Rose Back row: Allan, Joe, Dan, Bob
Oct. 30: Had a request concerning "annual get-togethers." A suggestion was submitted about having annual get-togethers in various parts of the country during the interim between the 45th and 50th reunions. I said that I would post the idea, and ask for feedback. My thoughts are as follows:
2007: A "local" get-together (already posted for August 11th)
2008: A "southeast get-together" - perhaps in Feb., or March. We do have quite a few people in the
southeastern states.
2009: A "west coast get-together" - A number of people can be found closer to the Pacific. Again,
possibly in Feb. or March.
2010: A "gulf coast get-together" - possibly in Feb. or March.
2011: Our 50th - In Mahopac (of course)
This will place our "interim reunions" in parts of the country to accomodate those who have had to travel considerable distances to get back here for all of the others. I welcome all feedback, and suggestions re-
garding this.
Nov. 30: Thanksgiving now behind us, and entering the holiday season. There have been a number of changes in the directory already. I think I'm up-to-date as of today. I hope that people let me know when changes occur, or the directory will not be of much use by the time our 50th comes along.
I suppose if Indian Point Nuclear Plant can run periodic tests of their warning system, I'm entitled to run a test as well. I'll be sending out a group e-mail to everyone around the first of the year. I'd really like everyone to respond to that, so I will know if addresses are correct.
Dec. 12: Sorry to be the bearer of sad news, but Leah (Knapp) and Jim McIntyre's son-in-law lost his battle with leukemia last Friday, Dec. 8. Our thoughts and prayers are for the entire family.

1/07: Hope recent group mailing has solved problems with the number of people experiencing problems getting to this website. This website will be carried on for years to come (I hope).
Want to thank all those who have responded to the group e-mail. Expect many have just not checked e-mail yet. Rose and I are leaving for a more southern clime on Tuesday, a.m. Expect to have had a response from everyone by the time we return. After all, the only way the directory will work is if we can keep track of everyone's changes of address(es).
I haven't heard from John Roger yet, but that is my fault in that I haven't purchased the 20 miles of string I need for a direct line to his house (inside joke for those who attended the reunion, and were paying attention.

02/02: It's been a while since I've added anything. Not much news to report from people. Guess no news is good news. Rose and I got together with Mike and Ethlyn Finnerty for dinner at their beautiful home on Hilton Head a couple of weeks ago. Was good getting together with them.
Last Saturday, we had the Schaiewitz's over for dinner, and even though Dan had made a New Year's resolution not to pull any more "capers," I found flyers in our mailbox, and tacked on the Spruce tree by the road, inviting "the town" to a free brunch at our house. See pic below:
02/18: Rose and I got together with Leah (Knapp) and Jim, and Anita (John) and Anthony for dinner last night in Mahopac. Was good getting together again. Ace and Nilda Schaiewitz were also invited, but, as you can guess. Dan was arrested, and unable to attend.