March 28: Spring has arrived, both officially, and in reality. Realized that I haven't added anything in quite some time, and probably not many checking the website (including myself). Important to keep it going, and hopefully keep people up to date. I'm sure there are things going on that classmates would enjoy hearing about. Let me know so that I can post it. Just a reminder for those who check in. There will be a Class of '61 get-together here on August 11th for anyone in the area, or can make it back to the area.
Hopefully you are all enjoying the great outdoors wherever you are!
April 3: Got an e-mail from Paul Simone this afternoon. They (Chris and Paul) have a blog site. You can check up on the Simone family by going to:
Anybody else have news?

4/12: Got together with the Schaiewitzs and Woermanns last night for dinner at a restaurant in Mahopac. Dan was in his usual form, handing the waitress a "printout" of the restaurant menu he got off their website. Wanted to know why he couldn't get the Shrimp and grits entree featured. Waitress brought it back to the kitchen to show the chef/owner. Had them wondering (and probably still are) for quite a while.
She (the waitress) came out to apologize to Dan, and claimed that shrimp and grits has never been on the menu. We all had to bite our lips to keep from letting on. After one of the two Schaiewitz's "wet their pants" (I won't reveal which one of them, or the specifics as to how it happened), I doubt if the Woermann's will be very anxious to meet for another dinner engagement any time soon!
4/23: It's been quiet as far as news from classmates is concerned. The weather here has taken a dramatic turn-around, for the better, and spring has finally decided to make an appearance. After our week on Hilton Head Island, and renting bikes for a day, Rose and I have purchased our own bikes, and we're finally taking advantage of this nice weather. Many of you may, or may not know that there is a bike path that goes from Carmel to Yonkers. Other bike paths have, and are being developed, and will offer trails all the way from the northern parts of Dutchess County to Yonkers.
Things are getting very busy here, as I'm sure they are (and have been) all over. Don't forget to let me know about any events, news, etc. that I can post on this site.
6/9: Sorry to have been so negligent with this website, but have been very busy with numerous things, and just haven't paid attention. I went to a local garden center this afternoon, and lo and behold, there was Christine (Lacina) Dugas, her sister Barbara, and nephew John Langworthy. I had John in my class a very long time ago - back in the 70's, I believe. Couldn't get used to looking up at him, as he's about 6'5" tall, and was just a skinny little kid as a 7th grader way back then.
While talking with Christine, she mentioned that her husband Dave, will be undergoing a major surgery in a couple of weeks. Just wanted to mention this to all, so your thoughts and prayers will go out to Chris and Dave. Christine said that she would let me know how things went, and I will pass this on to everyone.*
6/11: Just a reminder that we'll be having an informal gathering of the class of '61 on August 11th. It will be here - Decatur residence - our 46th. Time: 4:00 p.m. til ? BYOB/BYOF.
6/17: Received a recent challenge from Dan (Ace) Schaiewitz, and his adoring (God only knows why) wife Nilda. After many years of doing the "biking thing," Dan initiated a challenge to Rosemary and me - just novices at this game. We will probably fall into this "trap," but only to boost his self esteem. Will let you all know how this turns out. Meanwhile, here is an attached picture he e-mailed to Rose and me. I guess the 18 miles really took a lot out of them both. See picture below:

6/19: As a result of the picture seen above, Dan Schaiewitz went ballistic, and made false accusations about one of our classmates - Valerie Esterly. Dan, once again, shows that he likes to dish it out, but can he take it? I feel bad for Valerie, as she had nothing to do with any of this, but takes the brunt of Dan's wrath. I've asked Dan to make a public apology, but don't have high hopes that he'll do the right thing.
I feel some pity towards Dan for all his trips to the "slammer." Perhaps we should all just excuse his deviant behaviors, and accept him "as is."
6/20: Latest development - Valerie has retained a lawyer who sent Dan a letter of intent to bring suit based upon "defamation of character." Can't say that I blame you, Valerie.
*On a much different note, I got an e-mail from Christine (Lacina) Dugas to let us know that her husband, Dave, came through his heart surgery just fine. We are all very happy for them both.
6/26: Received an e-mail from Christine. Dave is back home, and on the way back to recovery.
6/28: Back from the "Bike-A-Thon." Ace Schaiewitz had his camera along (as usual). Pics were forwarded today.

7/15: Heard from Mike Finnerty that he and his wife Ethlyn became grandparents again with the birth of Shaylah Rose Finnerty last month. Congratulations!
Also, received an e-mail from Richard and Barbara Curry. They will be moving from their Carmel home to Colorado. We wish them good luck. Will pass along their new address for your directories when I hear from them again.
8/10: Christine (Lacina) Dugas informed me via e-mail that Karen (Sambucci) Laub's husband, Steve, passed away this past Sunday. Our thoughts and prayers are for Karen, and her family.
811: A group of us gathered for a 46th reunion on Saturday, Aug. 11. It was great to get together again.
Back Row: Bob D., Jim M., Alan W., Nilda S., Brent L., and DanS.
Front Row: Rosemary D., Leah M., Diana W., Pat M., Christine D., and Dave D.
Left Early: Evelyn A., and Judy C.
Don't think I've seen anybody morphologically changed as much as Dan & Nilda after an 18 mile bike ride!