Jan. 28: Heard from Veronica that Mr. Rossi had a stroke, and has been recovering at Somers Manor Nursing Home. I'm not sure when this occurred, and if he is still in the nursing home. Maybe someone could bring me up-to-date. Vic attended our last reunion, and I'm sure had intentions to attend our 50th. Hope all is going well for him.
Jan. 29: Rose and I got together with Mike and Ethlyn Finnerty over on Hilton Head Island yesterday. They will be heading to south east Asia on the 14th of February.
We really enjoyed our visit. Good to see them again, and will be anxious to hear about their trip. Regret that we forgot our camera, and no pics.
Feb. 3: Sorry to hear that Liz (Coyle) Cargain's mother passed away on January 17th. Our thoughts and prayers are for Liz and the family.
Feb. 4: Heard from Charlie Van Riper today. He has just had two more books come out recently - The Colorado Plateau IV: Shaping Conservation Through Science and Management; and Southwestern Desert Resources. Not sure how many books he has authored and Edited to date. He's still at the University of Arizona in Tucson (one of my favorite places in the country).
Feb. 5: Just realized it's exactly 6 months til the reunion weekend. I hope you are all making plans to attend. After all, how many 50 year high school reunions are you going to have?
Feb. 10: Got together with Mike and Ethlyn Finnerty, and John and Sue Roger for dinner down on River Street in Savannah. Good food, and good company.

Feb. 19: Very sad to report that Evelyn (Lundelius) Armistead's daughter, Missy, has lost her battle with cancer earlier this week. Our thoughts and prayers are for Evelyn and the family.
Mar 1: Will be away from the computer for a while. By the time I get back, there will be less than 5 months left until the reunion weekend. I'll be sending an email, asking if you plan on attending. Hoping that all of you will be responding in the affirmative.
March 15: Home again. Had a great time seeing a number of '61 classmates while getting away from the NY winter weather. A couple of pics from our "cruise reunion." We got together with Dot (Stolzenberger) and Walt Pritchet, and Alan and Diana (Opperman) Woermann for a cruise to the Panama Canal.
Left to right: Mike Finnerty, Rosemary Decatur, Bob Decatur, Sue Roger,
Ethlyn Finnerty, John Roger
Left to right: Alan Woermann, Dot (Stolzenberger) Pritchet, Walt Pritchet, Bob Decatur, Rosemary (Hadden) Decatur,
Diana (Opperman) Woermann. Formal night on the Holland America Zuiderdam.
Left to right: Dot, Bob, Rose, Diane, and Alan. Wait a minute, where's Walt? If he's not in the picture, he must have been in a casino. I had no idea that there was a casino on that island.
5/18: Got an email from Mike Finnerty today. He and Ethlyn had some visitors on Hilton Head. Jooks like another "southern reunion." See pic below:
Left to right: Clark Collins, Joanne Collins, Bob Molle, Ethlyn Finnerty, and Mike Finnerty.
Mike attached another picture that should jog some memories - our 30th reunion, which was held at Colosaccos. Did we really look that young just 20 years ago?